COVID-19: Who is more responsible? Government or citizens?


A new virus Covid-19 is not at our doorsteps anymore; it came into our houses and we all have to be serious and fight it together. It is a contemporary threat to the state that every one knows about today.  If we really want to blame the others, we will have plenty of time after we take a victory over this threat. We can, of course, say that China didn’t take proper measures at the beginning, but we also can say that neither Italy nor Spain did. Or any other country that has an immense problem with the virus today. But let us not. Or at least save it for better times.

The weakness of the countries, in these cases, is that they are led by politicians who, even when they want the best for the country, aren’t immune to thoughts of what impact the decisions will have on the party or the current government. If the government loses the trust of its citizens, every measure imposed by the government will be questioned, and that is the situation that has to be avoided.

We all have to be socially responsible today!

All citizens have to take measures in their micro-world. If we see our selves as responsible for our community, it will be easier for the government and state agencies to stop the spreading of the virus. Be the one who cares! Be the one who is going to change the world. Yes. The governments’ job is to protect us, but this fight is more about how every one of us can contribute to the fight. If government requests of every citizen who could be in touch with the virus, to stay at home, and 90% listens, it is not enough. That means that if 5000 people are requested to stay at home, and 4000 listens – 1000 won’t. That 1000 will get in touch with the next 5000 or more, and that is how the virus will still spread.

Most of us will probably be in contact with the virus. Some before and some later on

Some experts say that we have to expect that around 60% of people will be infected with Covid-19 at some point. If 7% of them need intensive care that is an enormous burden for any health care. Even the greatest ones. So the fight isn’t only to stop spreading the virus but to reduce the number of people who needs intensive care at every moment. To try to evenly deploy the ones who have the virus, over time. Let us all contribute to this fight! For every elderly person. For every person with a health problem that is dangerous if combined with Covid-19. For the feeling that we have contributed to the fight, and did our best to save people from our community. For the healthier surrounding; not only physical but mental as well. Let us not look for the guilty ones, but stand one next to the other and be kind and full of empathy.

Girl with the mask

In the end, who is responsible?

Comunity is everything

The responsibility is on every one of us. The government has to do its job and take measures to maintain public health, and to take care of every other aspect of its responsibility, but every one of us has the moral duty to help this fight and to commit to the community in every way we can.

After all, as Mahatma Gandhy said: „Be the change you wish to see in the world“. In these harsh times, only if every one of us does what is best for all, will make us beat this turmoil that will not be over when the virus is gone. The crisis that will probably occur after this fight is where we will see if we are matured and evolved as human beings to the level where we say we are.

 As we can see, there are many security challenges that are different than traditional threats. Although we have examples where some countires have these kind of threats on their doorsteps, we can say that most of the countries have to deal with other issues that involves contemporary security challenges. All this challenges and influence on certain countries we will try to explain and also we will strive to give answers to this threats. That is our goal.

Take care and be good – RegioSec